Embrace Change
Discover Hope

Christian Divorce Support Services in Hawaii

I am so glad you've found your way to our website. Here at Kūhou Coaching, we understand that divorce can be chaotic, life shattering, and sometimes those transitions can be incredibly challenging. Whether you're considering divorce or navigating the process within your Christian family, we're here to offer you the support and guidance you need.


My name is Tamra Leilani Wilkerson, and as the owner of Kūhou Coaching, it is my heartfelt mission to provide a safe haven for individuals and families going through difficult transitions. I am passionate about empowering Christian families to find healing, hope, and transformation during these seasons of change. I wish I knew about divorce coaching when I went through my own divorce! Going through a divorce as a stay at home mom with 2 kids under 5, one of them medically fragile was ROUGH! But I survived, and rebuilt a new life. With a coach by your side, so can you!

At Kūhou Coaching, we offer a unique approach that combines Christian care, personalized one-on-one support, and specialized programs tailored to your specific needs.

Divorce coaches do not provide licensed mental health services nor do we practice law. We work with you to help you manage your emotions so that you are better able to discover what you really want and need. How do you want to co-parent? What if we could help you lessen the conflict? As we partner and you transform into a calmer, confident, empowered person, you will be able to regain your power and mitigate some of the cost and conflict that can come with getting divorced.


Our focus is on you as an individual, as well as your family's unique circumstances. We believe that faith can be a powerful source of comfort and strength during times of transition. By integrating Christian principles into our coaching sessions, we aim to help you reconnect with your spirituality, find solace, and rebuild your life with renewed purpose and resilience.

At Kuhou Coaching, we understand that every person's journey is different.

That's why we offer personalized care that honors your unique experiences and needs. Whether you're seeking guidance on co-parenting strategies, emotional healing, or rediscovering your identity after divorce, our compassionate team is here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

As you explore our website, you'll find information about our services, testimonials from individuals who have found support through our programs, and resources to help you on your path to healing and growth. We invite you to take a look around and discover how Kuhou Coaching can be a beacon of hope in your transition.

If you're ready to leave the dumpster fire behind, and find your new fire within, I encourage you to reach out to us. Together, we can navigate the challenges you're facing and discover the abundant possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you for considering Kuhou Coaching as your trusted partner in Christian support and care. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

Warmest regards,

Owner, Kūhou Coaching

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Tamra’s guidance and expertise throughout my divorce helped me to navigate a complicated and emotional process with more ease and clarity. Her approach is to the point, strategic and whole hearted. She helped me to plan through each phase of my divorce

Pomaika'i K.
Cherished Customer

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